
Love your dog but not their bad habits? Struggling to fit long enough daily walks into your schedule? Maybe you are having to leave your best friend alone more than you would like during the day or perhaps finding it difficult to get out with your dog due to illness. Whatever your situation, Dastardly Dogs can help.
Richard is an accredited dog trainer with the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers and can offer dog training services and also walking that incorporates positive reward based training work to address bad habits or behaviour where needed and also work with you to reinforce good behaviours yourself!
Our team has now expanded with Hannah and Jess joining me in the last couple of years, helping owners with training and walks, these services include:
One to one training sessions we can look at all aspects of your dog’s routine, including diet and exercise, to design a realistic and comprehensive plan of action to tackle any problems you may be having.
We also offer group training sessions for adult dogs and basic Agility this is all in association with Wight Agility Group.


Our walking service ensures your dog is either walked alone (if this is your preference) or in a group with no more than two other temperament matched dogs. This will guarantee that your dog receives enough individual attention and stimulation to make the walk a fun and engaging experience.
Big or small, playful or a handful – We are committed to providing the best care for your dog on those occasions when you are busy and seek to create a real bond with the dogs in our care.
Based on the Isle of Wight, we love walking the old railway footpaths, beaches, the downs, parks and forests on the island.